Well, That’s Not BA

2 min readJul 8, 2019


What does business analysis remind you? A pile of documents that nobody bothers to read? A set of templates that is dusted and kept in files over the years? Or just saved in the drive and not opened ever?

Well, That’s not BA.

Yes, Business analysis requires documentation. It could even be considered as a subset of Business analysis. But why Document if nobody bothers to read? Why so much emphasis on something that nobody ever cares to read?

The answer is simple.

Document what is needed. Just what is needed. Because for a document to be its best, it should be read and used, throughout. One key step to write better documents is to understand why we write it, to whom we write it and to understand the sole purpose of the writing. A clear readable document drafting is what the industry in need of right now rather than the lengthy documents which nobody wants to read.


It is yet another word that crosses a mind when business analysis comes into play. Do you make your client fill the templates for you? So that it seems easier to gather the requirements? Well, my understanding is that it should not be Business analysis either. Why pass the ball to your client? I believe that requirement elicitation gives you an opportunity to understand your client a bit more. Deep conversations, interviews, discussions, and workshops are the key to elicit the crucial requirements. Completing templates by yourself helps you reach a broader area within your scope.

Let your client talk!

You are hired as a BA for your expertise, true! You have good communication skills, great! But not to forget that a good communicator should always be a good listener. Because if you are forgetting that your client is an expert in their own domain, well, that’s not BA. My opinion would be that a client should be given the space to explain. A BA should not try to fit their knowledge in to a methodology of our own. There are methodology manuals, guidelines, structures explaining huge complex processes of Requirement elicitation. But what really should be considered is not fitting a client to your method but rather developing a unique process of addressing the problem.Always to keep in mind that you are there to understand their problem, their requirements and their purpose.

Business Analyst is a designer!

On behalf of team LiveRoom, written by Umrah Musaffer

